Giving Back Socks for Homeless
Moving Ahead by Giving Back, means together we can help those who cannot help themselves.
Bulk Socks Wholesale was founded on the premise that a business can only succeed if it gives back to the the community. For us that meant providing socks for homeless. Every organization in support of homelessness say their number one need is donations of one pair of socks for each of the people in their shelter.
At Bulk Socks Wholesale many of our most important customers are homeless people. They can't buy our socks, so we donate three pairs of socks for homeless for every order placed on our website. Therefore, the more we sell, the more we donate. We also work with nonprofits, shelters, and organizations all across the United States dedicated to helping the many shelters across the country.
We sell new socks wholesale to churches, homeless shelters, and any nonprofit store with a mission to give individuals a pair of socks. The number one article on the shelter menu are pairs of socks.
Our goal is to provide new pairs of socks to shelter communities in the United States. A community sock drive raises awareness of the need for socks. We are partners with one world-wide organization providing socks to anyone in need.
They give/distribute our new socks for homeless to people in need. Anew pair of ankle socks or crew socks are items someone homeless needs both for comfort and warmth.
Socks for homeless are the #1 most requested item in Homeless Shelters!
When you are out of work, and living in your car, a shelter, or even on the street, fresh socks for homeless are not the first thing that come to mind, so poor foot hygiene develops. Healthy feet need clean, new socks. Most people think donations of their old clothing to organizations like Good Will helps homelessness. But homeless people can't afford to buy even second hand clothing, and depend on donations to keep new socks on their feet.
Homeless people with health problems don't have access to regular health care. Homeless people need the shelter communities for support in housing, food, and medical care.
Homelessness In The Time Of Covid
The pandemic has provided us with new information on ways to help. The idea of a sock drive with the goal of a new sock for every foot has energized the country.